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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 6:29 pm by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 12:24 am by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 12:24 am by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 12:31 pm by Grimmjow

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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 2:42 am by Tenshin Ryuta

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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 10:42 pm by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 10:40 pm by Ichigo Kurosaki

» Tetsugiya Hikaru
Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 11:57 am by Tetsugiya

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 Tetsugiya Hikaru

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Join date : 2009-12-03

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Rank: Student
Squad: None

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PostSubject: Tetsugiya Hikaru   Tetsugiya Hikaru I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 11:57 am

Post (1)
found at infancy by bounts he had a strange power over persuasion, without trying he implants ideas/images ,to the extent of judgment never anything that could cause harm but projecting it into the heads of the unwilling. he is an unknown type of soul "mix, in a sort " small black haired kid, age believed to be 3 origins thought to be from vamps brought in secret to the seriete by the court squad at age 3 believing the bount had created the kid during the shinigami bount war. As a way to infiltrate the seriete by the time he was found he still appeared to be 5 years old even after nearly 500 years had past. he left after several attempts on his life. While fleeing for his life he wound up at the noble Kuichiki family’s house. Where found and safe guarded by the unknowing Rukia. Until he was found by Byakuya who forced Rukia send him back to the real world. Rukia convinces Ichigo to care for the 5 year old along with the others. Where the boy was named Tetsugiya by Rukia. The boy had never been named nor had anyone ever care for him up until he met Rukia. Because he was give the true form of kindness he felt contempt and decided to tell what he knew of the life he was living and stay with Rukia and her friends so the next day when they went to check on the boy he wasn’t there. They searched and searched but could not turn up the kid up until now Rukia was forcing kido on Ichigo saying that just running around with a sword wasn’t enough anymore and he needed to learn more. So they were training Orihime was trying to learn the concept of kido when she asked if you could use kido to locate something Rukia knowing already was keeping watch on Tetsugiya when she was given the idea of teaching Ichigo to use this trait Ichigo trying to prove a point took off starting a competition to see who could find the boy first. So Rukia agreed and headed off toward the boy. When she was close she saw this strange person who she had been tracking wasn’t but a roughly 17 year old who turned and looked her way. She jerked around the corner but wondered how he could se her in her shinigami form. While she was talking to herself she herd a voice call out "you don’t have to hide I know your there.” she walks out and demands to know who he was and why he was there. He appeared to be a spirit but knew who she was she wondered how, But was cut short by the boy. “I’m Tetsugiya I guess you don’t recognize me but I need to explain some things to you. Ichigo lost somewhere down town decides to cheat knowing Rukia wouldn’t notice he concentrated hard and was surrounded by spirit ribbons he saw many white but a red stood out in the distance strangely he noticed something he had never seen before a black ribbon. Next to Rakia’s he thought something was wrong and ran toward Rukia expecting the worst. When he arrived he was on the roof of a neighboring building wondering who Rukia was talking to afraid of getting caught he started to back away. But right before he could get out of sight he herds a noise he turned around and took a fist to the face. Rukia standing over him in victory she said its time to go home you dirty little cheater. Ichigo trying to play it off said he thought she was in trouble. She asked why that was. When Ichigo told her about the ribbons she hit him again. He yelled “what was that for” she said, “because you were cheating.” but when she thought about it she had never heard about a black spirit ribbon. Rukia thinks we should go back to the house .Ichigo blurts out" who dose this guy think he is" Rukia states "Tetsugiya" now let’s go home and talk about this. Tetsugiya stairs at
Ichigo with a glare and says I don’t like him that much. Ichigo in shock turns and tries to hit him while Rukia decides Ichigo deserves another punch to the face. Ichigo complies and just goes with it.

/setting/ Ichigo place/ everyone sits down to here what Tetsugiya has to say. Tetsugiya gets everyone to gather and starts "ummm… I don’t
Remember much.”” I was rescued by a group of bounts who nurtured and took care of me under false pretences." Ichigo: "how so" Tetsugiya:
"Well since I can remember I have always been in a younger body I somehow implant the image of what people long for." Ichigo interrupts:
"What do you mean" Tetsugiya: "well it’s a sort of defense I can’t control it but when I’m in trouble something happens and people are nicer,
help me, and change their personality in a way that benefits Me." Rukia:" so what you’re saying is you change people unknowingly to take care of
You’re self. Tetsugiya: "correct" but I know I am much older than I seem but for some reason I am blocked from my memory" ever since I was captured by the bad people in the seriete that ran tests on me I cant Evan remember who I am." Ichigo:"you are on our side right; your story is a little...flakey." "What is it Tetsugiya?" Tetsugiya: "yes" Orihime jumps in:” can we call you Tetsu" Tetsugiya: if you wish" Orihime oh I love that name
Tetsu Tetsu Tetsu Tetsu /Orihime continue to herself/ Tetsu: "if it’s alright i would like to stay with you guys, if that’s alright with you Rukia?
“Rukia: "it ok with me" Ichigo: "what’s up with you and Rukia do you like her or something" /Rukia blushes/ Rukia: "no that’s not it"
Tetsu: "it is for me" "Rukia is the first person to ever stand up for me. If she ever needs something ill be there." /Rukia blushes again/
/Rukia changes topic/ Rukia: "so that’s all you remember." Tetsu: "that and the people taking test on me saying something along the lines of
it was impossible for me to be here that it shouldn’t have happened and that they had to destroy me" Rukia: "what do you mean" Tetsu:"I don’t really know" Rukia:"I’m going to get to the bottom of this I’m going to the seriete archive to research this." /Renji walks in/ Renji: "I’ll do it, I’ve been listening and if what I think is right you’re not going
To be able to access that information maybe a vice captain has a greater chance" Tetsu: "wow, look at those eyebrows, hahahahaha"
Renji: "I’m going to kill him"/ Renji lunges at Tetsu Ichigo jump in/ Ichigo: "about time I’ve been trying to get at him all day but Rukia has been stopping me ...." /Ichigo and Renji look up to see Rukia standing over them with a fire in her eye she punches Ichigo and Renji threw the wall and tells them to cut it out/ 30 minutes later after Ichigo and Renji wake back up they gain some composure and start the conversation. They agree to continue with their plan to figure out who or what Tetsu really is. And what really happened.
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