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Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 6:29 pm by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 12:24 am by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 12:24 am by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 2:42 am by Tenshin Ryuta

» Tetsugiya Hikaru cont
Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 10:42 pm by Ichigo Kurosaki

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Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 10:40 pm by Ichigo Kurosaki

» Tetsugiya Hikaru
Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 11:57 am by Tetsugiya

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PostSubject: Tetsugiya Hikaru cont   Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 11:59 am

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/setting/seriete and human world/ Rukia and, Renji went to the seriete to search the archives when they stumbled upon something with classified information above even captain level when they herd a noise behind them they turned around and saw a strange figure. Back in the human world Ichigo was staring down Tetsu who was seemingly awake started to snore. Ichigo taking advantage of the opportunity went to sleep even threw his suspicion that Tetsu was the enemy. During this Tetsu gets up and stumbles waking Ichigo up just laying there Ichigo decides to follow him. Tetsu ends up at the site where Ichigo mother was killed. Tetsu knows Ichigo is following him so he leads him to that destination. Tetsu: "strange uh. How all souls are accounted for and processed."/Ichigo steps out/ Ichigo: "what do you mean" Tetsu: who decides weather a soul is good or bad. Who has the right to decide the fate of others weather or not a soul is taken to the seriete or to the realm of hollows. Who decides the fate of the living and if that persons call is so absolute what are there abnormal." Ichigo: “I would guess the spirit king decides." "And what do you mean by abnormal?" Tetsu: “I mean there are shinigami, hollows, average spirits, Quincy’s, hollow, bounts, and humans. There are people in between. Such as you, arancar and me, what ever I am." Ichigo: "well things happen for a reason." Tetsu: "but if the spirit king decides that what gave him the power to decide, And why him." Ichigo: "what brought all this up?" Tetsu:"well I have no family" and one day someone decided that your mother would be taken by a hollow"/Ichigo shocked about Tetsu knowing about his mother/ Ichigo: how do you know that?" Tetsu: "I don’t know" " I just do somehow.""Ever since i left the soul society I have been regaining my memory." "so far I remember I have been with more than just the bounts I remember an old man who called himself a quincey took me in and cared for me." and even before that I was taken to a strange world that the hollows lived in. all these people who took me in thought thy could use me as a weapon to help take out this spirit king.""Not all of them failed after learning my power could not be used to harm another. I longed to be accepted for who I am but everyone just takes me in fiends me useless and throws me out, or even tries to kill me." "Who decides that I don’t get to be a part of something, that I am all alone in these worlds?" "/Rukia walks forward after listening, along with Orihime and Renji. / They all look concerned. Renji: "we have to leave him Ichigo" Ichigo: "what!" Renji: "we can’t be apart of this." Ichigo: "what are you talking about?" Tetsu: let me guess you’re going to abandon me just like everyone else, because you found something about me someone didn’t find to their liking." Rukia:"it’s not like that! ... I’m sorry but we have to go Ichigo." Tetsu: “the souls of every thing and every one are like a drop of rain. they are all alike but they band together they create a puddle but eventually enough puddles can band together to flood a field and choke a forest why am I a lonely rain drop when there is an ocean right behinde me. And when the ocean bends to one entity why can’t I be accepted,"Ichigo: "what is this about you guys." Rukia: "we were researching the archives when captain general Yamamoto came in and wound that we were snooping where we weren’t supposed to." Renji:"he explained what you are. And you’re past deeds." Tetsu: "what are you talking about?" Renji: "we are talking about how you want to over throw the spirit king." Rukia: “Ichigo Tetsugiya has the same desire as Aizon did."Ichigo: "what! So all this time you just wanted a comrade to destroy the spirit king." Rukia:" all this time you were just using your power on us to take sympathy on you." Tetsu: "I don’t know what you’re talking about." "who is Aizon" Ichigo: Aizon is the asshole who wanted to get more power rule over all souls." Tetsu: “is that not what the current spirit king dose?" Rukia: "know one knows what or who the spirit king really is." know one from this world anyways." Tetsu: "why is that?" Ichigo:" because to get to the spirit king 100,000 souls must be sacrificed to get there." Tetsu: "and you belie I am capable of doing such." Ichigo: " by the speech you were giving earlier you seem to know more than you are letting on." Tetsu: “your right if haven’t told you everything." "I have a confession. i have been a part of almost every type of soul I have learned many thing. Many views on the spirit king. but Ichigo I believe if see the greatest reason you live. You could care less about the spirit king. you have allies but more than that, more than just a soul type. You have friends. How you are a different from others in all ways in have. you who was a human turned substitute shinigami, to having your inner hollow released, and becoming a visard so much has changed and you are shunned my many but continue to still have at least someone to care for you and never be alone or disowned what you are. That is truly a cause to live against all odds. But how douse it feel knowing that one person could take that all away just at the thought. One person should never have that much power." Ichigo: "and what do you plan to do about it." Rukia: "would you sacrifice thousands of souls to get a chance to change this." Tetsu:" would you kill one person to save a thousand? If so would you not kill 100,000 to save a billion if you say no than you are a hypocrite."" Rukia you were my first friend and know you banish me just because another says they done like what I have to say." Rukia: "I cannot have the weight of the world on my shoulders that’s why we have the spirit king" you think you could do a better job. He keeps the world in order seperating good from evil living from dead." and I won’t let you Evan have the chance to destroy the world in the presses of trying to make it a little better." Tetsu: a little better I would rid the worlds of war sadness and all misery in the world. I imagine a utopia a world without loneliness one where no matter how different you are you have peplum beside you." Renji:"how would you enforce this new world? And how would you get all people to support your idea." Tetsu:"that is a part am not willing to revel at the moment. Do you still wish to stop me." Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, "Yes “Tetsu:"what about you Orihime do you to shun me for what I think." Orihime:" but I think you shouldn’t kill people to get what you want."Tetsu:" well I bid you fare well then" Rukia:"Ichigo stop him we cant have him go threw with it." Tetsu:"try as you must but I’m going."/Tetsugiya spiritual pressure forms a small glow around him as he walks away. Ichigo tries to throw him down but as he gets within arms reach he lunges at tetsugiya ready to throw him down. When he reaches out to grab his arm tetsugiya turns around and puts a sword that seemingly came out of nowhere in front of Ichigo hand. Ichigo grabs the sword/ Tetsu:"Tushino" /Ichigo is thrown back to the ground. / Ichigo:"what the hell just happened he didn’t Evan swing I just grabbed it."/ Tetsu:" If taken, it cuts the hand that clutches it. If given it heals the hand that holds it. Tushino (angel’s feather). Good buy Ichigo."/Tetsugiya vanishes into the darkness.
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PostSubject: Re: Tetsugiya Hikaru cont   Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 5:32 pm

O.o wow umm what is this?
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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PostSubject: Re: Tetsugiya Hikaru cont   Tetsugiya Hikaru cont I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 10:42 pm

That sure is alot
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